ctoznc vo)via® is not commd a pen and taken oe a day.ulinn as the fir medication treat, anisot foreoe® withe 1 abes a pen and taken oe a day.ulinn or diatic ketoidos. do not te victoza® if you have a personal or mily history multiple endocne neoplasia of medsyndrome type 2,ancer, if you alrgic to victo® and call your ctor right ayt ta® you g aump or swelling youneck or if you devep y allergic ansytoms including itching,tsh,. rious side effects may hapn, inclinpancis. or if you devep y allergic so, stop taking victoza® callour doctor rig awaying,tsh,. if you have seveain your stomach area. te your do your medic histo. taking vtoza with a sulfonylea or insun may cause low blood su the mo comn de eff are headacnausea, arrhea, and voting. side effts can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidn pbls. now s the meor a better momof proof