House. Apparently, they were watching this Program Last Nighwatchingis Progrt by. Thank you all for watching at the white house. And were triggered by this interview with the speaker of the house, kevin mccarthny. When you move to an impeachment inquiry, it empowers congress, republicans and democrats within re to be ablea to get the answers they need. Because we have found time and again we havent seen anything like this since the Nixon Administration t using their government to shut down any time we hao shutd a questio i would think the biden family would want to clear their name first. I really am. It means sea really a lot to me that the Biden White House is watching this show, but they are clearly of what is jovery real impeachment inquiry. E wh and Joe Bidens White house is now lashing out and accusinig Speaker Mccarthy for what he said on the show of actually lying. Well, considerin shog joe is the biggest liar. That gets interesting. Waitrwait until they hea gets in the breakin
the unvaccinated. with reaction, fox news medical contributor dr. nicole saphier. you know, watching that now, in retrospect is chilling s because they said if you gotaiy the vaccinvee, you re never goio to get covid, you re never going to be able to transmit covid. none of that was true.f it. doctors have fired none of it. and they attacked and they pressured, you know, everybody into full compliance with lies, didn t they? well, chilling is one word i would use. infuriatin cg g. we know that vaccinated, boosted twice, twice, but boostenated,d anyone can transm the virus at this point. and now you re starting to see point trying theadlines again. yes, covid is still here.un yeah, unfortunately, we re going to have covid flu and c livecold season probablyol in fr the rest of our lives, just like, you know, the great spanish influenza was a centuryl ago. we still deal with flu. every year we re going to see covi with y d every year. and these headlines are saying covid cases are on t
it s one of the sub variants of omicron. there s a lot of continentomicrt numbers associated with it, but basically they re calling it eris are. and i do think it s funny that a lot of the headlines are saying, oh, because of barbie becauf oppenheimer and ee going to the movies, that s why you re seeing it. but we really just have to look at the u.k. and historically speaking, we always tend to see a rise in cases when it comesin to all respiratory viruses, whether it s flu, whether it s covid in the winter and we also see it at the end of summer as well. it s no different. we re seeing it right now. the iris variant to good news, it still remains milvariand. most common symptoms are that of an upper respiratory ms uinfection. you have you have stuffy nose, but the fatigue is is pretty prevalent for a lot of people. but also very lowe is hospitalization rate with it and about overmpressiv 90 to 959 people who are hospitalized or who die of this variant tends to be those who are 65 and
yes, being boosted older. , the mortality, but they are still the highest risk whertalin they telling us get the vaccine, get the booster boost. the boostethccinand thr, and yot get covid and you won t transmit covidcovi. why didn t they tell us that viruses mutate and that not be the case in the future, didn t they? there s not a survey, sean. t we talked about this. we know not everyone else about how the virus was going to mutate and it was goingt to less aggressive, less virulent after time. gointhe bottom line is there was a lot of politicization throughoutvirulent the last three years. there is a lot of fear mongering. and they really there was a level of control. they as long as there was a sense of panic there w , fear people would maybe listen to what they were saying. unfortunately, that has really hindered our public health response. lot o and there was a lot of pressure on me in this show to tell people what to do. no, it s not my job. i m not a doctor. i ll leave tha
are pursued by the prosecutors fo r using force to protect the american public. now citizens are suffering the same. shawn, what we re seeing here fundamentally as a result of the leftsame fate here i wing ac justice system is that do the one hand,ks in washingto, d.c., doj is criminalizing speechj is and criminalizingin political dissent. and then the lefg polient, as prosecutors, are decriminalizing violentvioln crime. so the message is, if you re at conservative, if, go to jail. but if you re a gang member, a criminal alien, a violent predator, an armed robber, then you can go in and ou t of prison for a few days and get back onth the street and offend andd offend. joe biden is politicized and weaponizedoffend.. well said. stephen miller. jason, thank you as well. when come back, health experts b now trying to claim covid cases that are spiking again. and you won t believebeli what they re blaming this time. dr. schapiro will explain when