New state Covid rules spell hope for CNY school proms; 1 school announces dates, venues
Updated Mar 10, 2021;
Posted Mar 10, 2021
Students of Onondaga Jr./Sr. High School celebrated at their junior-senior prom Friday, May 31, 2019. The event had “A Night Under the Stars” theme and was held at The Lodge at Welch Allyn in Skaneateles Falls. Heather AinsworthHeather Ainsworth
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Syracuse, N.Y. In a year unlike any other, high school students across Central New York - and New York state - last spring forfeited junior proms and senior balls due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
But now, with Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s announcement last week of new rules for larger gatherings, there is optimism that this may open the door for schools to host their annual dances.
Can you get the COVID vaccine in NY? How to find out and schedule a shot
Front line worker gets COVID-19 vaccine
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ALBANY – About 10 million New York residents are now eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine, including many essential workers, those over the age of 65 and those with underlying health conditions like cancer, obesity and high blood pressure.
Whether the newly eligible recipients can successfully score a coveted appointment is another story.
New York is receiving a few hundred thousands doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines each week, meaning demand far outpaces the supply and most vaccination sites are booked solid.
New York has opened up Phase 1B of the state s COVID-19 vaccination program, which includes those over the age of 65. But it may take weeks to get an appointment.