EconoTimes is a fast growing non-partisan source of news and intelligence on global economy and financial markets, providing timely, relevant, and critical insights for market professionals and those who want to make informed investment decisions.
Troubled mid-sized builder Taeyoung Engineering & Construction (E&C) agreed to lay off 22 senior executives and cut salaries by up to 35 percent for the remaining ones, as part of self-rescue efforts to facilitate a corporate debt workout program, according to the firm’s main creditor, Friday.
Major construction firms have replaced their chief executives with financial experts in recent weeks to brace for a prolonged industry downturn, according to industry officials, Sunday.
Creditors of debt-ridden Taeyoung Engineering & Construction Co. were set to make a decision Thursday on whether to allow the ailing builder to move forward with a debt restructuring program. Taeyoung, the 16th-largest builder in South Korea in terms of construction capacity, applied for a debt restructuring program late last month due to a liquidity shortage over real estate project financing loans. The state-ru.
Creditors of debt-ridden Taeyoung Engineering & Construction were set to make a decision Thursday on whether to allow the ailing builder to move forward with a debt restructuring program.