tvN’s upcoming drama “Delightfully Deceitful” has unveiled new character stills of Girl’s Day’s Sojin! Written by Han Woo Joo and directed by Lee Soo Hyun, “Delightfully Deceitful” is a thrilling revenge drama about Lee Ro Um (Chun Woo Hee), a con artist who lacks empathy, and Han Moo Young (Kim Dong Wook), an attorney who
May has arrived, and so have various new K-dramas to bring excitement to you this month! These are some new K-dramas that are set to premiere over the next few weeks: “My Perfect Stranger” Cast: Kim Dong Wook, Jin Ki Joo, Seo Ji Hye, Lee Won Jung, Kim Jong Soo, Park Soo Young, Lee Kyu
May has arrived, and so have various new K-dramas to bring excitement to you this month! These are some new K-dramas that are set to premiere over the next few weeks: “My Perfect Stranger” Cast: Kim Dong Wook, Jin Ki Joo, Seo Ji Hye, Lee Won Jung, Kim Jong Soo, Park Soo Young, Lee Kyu
There is no biz like showbiz. The razzmatazz that accompanies life in the spotlight is nothing less than a double-edged sword. There’s the glamour, fandom, and feeding the flames of fame on one hand, and stiff competition, scandals, and the constant, often overwhelming scrutiny on the other. The entertainment business is a tough one, and