Renowned South Korean actor Jeon Do-yeon, who is a familiar face from both TV and film, is returning to the theatrical stage after 27 years, taking on a leading role in the play "The Cherry Orchard.” World-renowned Australian director Simon Stone will helm the production, which is slated to run from June 4 to July 7 at the LG Art Center in Seoul. Stone has collaborated with prestigious theaters such as the.
Lee Sun Kyun, aged 48, recently passed away. Colleagues and acquaintances, including Lee Jung Jae, Park Seo Joon, and Kim Yoo Jung, attended his funeral to mourn his loss.
Korea plans to take advantage of the growing global popularity of Korean culture to attract 20 million foreign tourists next year, the government announced, Monday.
The main opposition Democratic Party of Korea (DPK) is contemplating whether to issue a party guideline to boycott President Yoon Suk Yeol’s nomination for new Supreme Court Chief Justice Lee Gyun-ryong, although a majority of party members believe that the nominee is unfit for the post.