achieve a, quote, major break through. they re building up an extensive system of trenches in the south. tell us what you re seeing. yeah, there has been an extraordinary network dug possibly according to this british intelligence report the largest we ve seen since world war ii across the southern area of vap wreegsa and we ve driven along the ucrayian side of it for quite a past number of weeks here. often these are deep trenches followed by a significant sand back backed up by razor wire and these dragons teeth peer med shaped pieces of concrete form a complex set of defenses but certainly a challenge. there ll be very much in the mind of ukrainian forces as they probably in the days ahead if not already in the days behind begin the counter offensive in these areas. we simply don t know the full details of their plan to be honest, and weather is potentially playing into it. there s been an extraordinary lack of videos from ukrainian military over the past weeks they norm
i want to ask you because one of the ways that the white house, the biden people are making their argument is they re saying house republicans are voting to cut veterans benefits in the debt ceiling bill. now, to be clear there s nothing specifically in the bill that cuts anything. it talks about an overall budget count. but the va has gone out there and said this would cut veterans funding by 22%. so here is what biden said. biden on twitter wrote i hear house republicans out on tv saying they would never vote to cut veterans bets. in case there s any confusion i made a little chart to help him out. if you zoom in on the chart at the top it says did yoo cut domestic spending by 22%, if it s no you voted to protect veterans benefits. yes is what republicans did, and does this not apply to veterans benefits. now, i get that s not technically accurate, but also aren t republicans trying to