it is 8:00. thanks for waking up with us. let s get you caught up on some of the news. we start with a glitch in the space plan. three, two, one, zero. and lift off. we ve had a cut off. that is the dragon spacecraft on the launch pad at cape canaveral but it did not get off the ground. john, take us through what happened here. what went wrong? well, the future is on hold, isn t it, randi? who said space flight was easy and rocket science was easy? not you, not me of course. i think the people at space x are certainly finding that out first hand. what happened was the falcon 9 rocket with the dragon spacecraft on top, the falcon 9 has nine main engines. one of those nine, engine five, right before lift off, had what they call a chamber pressure issue where the pressure was going up too fast, too high. and the computer system immediately shut the whole thing down. so at 0.5 seconds before what would have been lift off the entire system was automatically shut down. now wh
over 30 years, 120 pounds of fat just because you re a smaller statue. with your diet, you have high calorie days and low calorie days. it s breakfast time. what you do at breakfast is front load the biggest meal of the day. mistake most women make, they want to save their calories. that s the recipe to gain weight. by front loading, this is eggs, the whole eggs, by the way, i love whole eggs with the yolk. it s vegetables, avocado, the good fat. cottage cheese. 40% of your daily calories should be in your breakfast. that s psychologically hard to do. it is, gretchen, but boy, does it work? it lets you eat less later in the day. it tips your mechanisms, your feeling of fullness. if i can keep you full and you should only be hungry first thing in the morning. if you re hungry later in the day, you re behind the eight ball already. interesting. salad, spinach, chicken, lots of vegetables great dressing, and you re getting 30% of your calories at dinner. that s your protein an
people out of work. one of the people running also for the republican nomination said he doesn t care about the unemployment rate, that doesn t bother him. i do care. it bothers me. i want to get people back to work. i m concerned about those out of work. one of the reasons i m running is to get the expertise in place. get a strong economy. last night, santorum tried to walk back his original comments. take a listen. what i said was the unemployment rate didn t matter what it was between now and election time. the fundamental issue causing the unemployment and economic distress in your country is the fact the government is imposing their will and mandating things on people and creating a yolk on businesses to make it hard to employ. if you want to solve the problem, solve the tax and gove government oppression problem. one is a cause of the other. it s not that unemployment isn t important, you have to get to the root cause of what s causing
today s reporter roulette. here we go. jojahn, straight to you in miami where newt gingrich is interest to hold a big event there. last night he had a bit of a weaker showing. what is his tacamp saying about that today? the first observation i have to make is the candidate looking a little tired here in south florida. a long slug down from jacksonville after the debate. now here? south florida, pu now here in florida, pushing for the hispanic vote. he s wishing certain questions had been asked in certain ways. meanwhile, the speaker, as i said, reaching out to the latino voters here in south florida, really making a big play over h support of his portion of the dream act that will allow military who are immigrants to go on to become american citizens. hoping that plays very well with the immigrant community here in south florida. as we move into the weekend, newt gingrich is planning just a flurry of activity across this state to try to drum up support. because, frankly,
repeated blows to the head, the kind that you get on a football field can have lasting reprecussions. especially for young people. some states are writing new laws. in fact, one just took effect this month here in california. any player on a high school or middle school team who gets a concussion must be cleared by a trainer or doctor before going back on the field. even then, though, the risk is hard to gauge. you can t really see damage to the brain unless you actually look inside. of course, by then it s too late. reporter: football is a violent game, full of big hits. what are all those collisions doing to the brain inside those helmets? i met with kevin, a research esh from the university of north carolina. he can actually measure the intensity of those hits. so i m going to give a moderate hit and see what happens. so it s recorded up here at 23.6 g s of acceleration. he recently won a mcarthur genius grant for his work on concussions in football. he is going