DID you finish up 2023 regretting that you didn't get to do all you wanted, and with renewed vigour to make this year better? That's why reflecting on the past year and planning for the new one is.
AS women we take a lot of beating, day by day, because so much is expected of us; as mama bears we are the be-all and end-all for everybody our partners, our children, our families, or jobs.
INTENTIONALITY is the buzzword that's been making the rounds, with the maiden Day of Intentionality celebrated last week, September 20, and dedicated to encouraging individuals to embrace intentio.
AUGUST is the month dedicated to the celebration and recognition of women's equality, with the 26th being Women's Equality Day, which seeks to empower women to reach their full potential and creat.
THE "main character energy" has been fuelling a movement on social media; in a negative way, "main character syndrome" is seen as a narcissistic condition in which you're romanticising your life a.