Chief Minister Hemant Soren today said that the schemes currently being made by our government are prepared only after assessing the applications received through the program "Aapki Yojana-Aapki Sarkar-Aapke Dwar". The soul of Jharkhand resides in the villages. Unless the village is strong the
The aim of the program “Aapki Yojana – Aapki Sarkar – Aapke Dwar” is to deliver the government schemes and services to the doorsteps of the people sitting in the last row of the society. Solutions to the problems of every poor and needy living in remote rural areas should be found at their
Chief Minister Hemant Soren today inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of 891 schemes over Rs 212.91 crore 91 in Sahibganj district. In this, 746 schemes worth Rs 62 crore 97 lakh were inaugurated and the foundation stone of 145 schemes worth Rs 149 crore 94 lakh 39 thousand 600 was laid. At
Ranchi: The “Aapki Yojana-Aapki Sarkar Aapke Dwar” program is all set to take place in Ranchi from November 24 to December 26 to enhance citizen engag.