Runki Goswami mesmerises the audience with soul-stirring Sufi and Ghazal renditions at the Theatre, India Habitat Centre. Experience the captivating musical journey and spiritual enlightenment through her melodious evening performance.
Runki Goswami mesmerises the audience with soul-stirring Sufi and Ghazal renditions at the Theatre, India Habitat Centre. Experience the captivating musical journey and spiritual enlightenment through her melodious evening performance.
NANDED, India Twelve infants died in one day at a hospital in the Indian state of Maharashtra, sparking a political storm on Tuesday (Oct 3) with opposition politicians accusing the regional government and hospital authorities of negligence. The infants died on Sunday and were among 24 deaths recorded that day at the Shankarrao Chavan Government Hospital in the Nanded.
NEW DELHI: 12 infants died in one day at a hospital in the Indian state of Maharashtra, sparking a political storm on Tuesday with opposition politicians accusing the regional government and.