has the ruling put jet blew on the hook for allowing him to fly that plane? let s go out front. good evening every one. out front tonight, ooh, la, la, france s most porful woman sticking her knows in america s business. a doom and gloom message for washington today. economic recovery remains p tepid and down size risks have identified. what we see is clearly a risk that confidence be eroded. and she didn t stop there. she took on president obama, too. she called his $3.8 trillion budget which he says will reduce the deficit by next year as too rapid. among her suggestions, more infrastructure spending, housing initiatives and further extension of the emergency unemployment benefits. hey, we re all for ideas from anyone, but this did seem to be a naked endorsement of the spend, spend, spend idea which is envogue in france right now. well, here s how some of that has seemed to be working for france. the country s debt is now 90% of the size of the economy. many economis