Indonesia plans eventually to mandate bioethanol content for gasoline at 15% and use it nationwide by 2031, an aggressive target when it has only two bioethanol plants that struggle to secure enough sugar molasses feedstock
Indonesia, the world's biggest palm oil biodiesel user, is now working to introduce bioethanol mandates for gasoline to further cut fuel imports and carbon emissions, but it will first have to secure more bio feedstock and solve thorny technical problems.
JAKARTA, April 6 (Reuters) - Indonesia, the world's
biggest palm oil biodiesel user, is now working to introduce
bioethanol mandates for gasoline to further cut fuel imports and
carbon emissions, but it will first have to sec. | 12:19am
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia, the world's biggest palm oil biodiesel user, is now working to introduce bioethanol mandates for gasoline to further cut fuel imports and carbon emissions, but it will first have to secure more bio feedstock and solve thorny technical problems. | 03:42am
By Fransiska Nangoy and Bernadette Christina JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia, the world's biggest palm oil biodiesel user, is now working to introduce b.