in texas. his press secretary tweeting a short time ago potus has been briefed about the hostage situation in the dallas area. he will continue to receive updates from his senior team at the situation. senior members of a national security team are in touch with federal law enforcement leadership. we are hearing from other members the administration the president ambassador to israel also taking to twitter a short time ago saying quote i m closely monitoring the hostage situation at israel texas for the community gathered for services praying for an immediate and safe and. we are hearing from other world leaders the israeli prime minister also tweeting condolences saying he s also monitoring the situation at the synagogue outside dallas so the president speaks, we will let you know immediately. back to you in new york.
Recent Facebook posts show that he supports causes including COVID vaccine skepticism and the debunked lie that former president Donald Trump won the 2020 election.
Since the antisemitic terrorist attack on Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas, numerous Jewish organizations have urged Congress to double the Nonprofit Security Grants Program budget.