well, you don t understand. and he walks away, and einstein turns to his secretary and says, there goes a nar. the yiddish for a fool. people always ask me, kevin, what does being the ceo of cashbacking mean to you? the way that i see it, if you re buying it, flying it, or wining n dining it, then you gotta be cashbacking it. [chuckles] come on now. earn big with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? ugh, this guy again. pops! ay son! ya got a little somethin on yuh face. needed a quick shave. quick shave? respect the process! it ain t my dad s razor, dad, it s from gillettelabs. gillette.labs? gillette s ultimate shaving experience. this green bar releases trapped hairs from my face. gamechanga!
Australia has the largest proportion of Holocaust survivors of any country besides Israel. In Melbourne, some of their descendants are leading the way to preserve the Yiddish language.
they worshiped differently, had different religions, they re speaking yiddish, all things that are completely new to america. all of it horrified america s wealthy elite, the blue bloods of park avenue and fifth avenue. they begin to freak out. they freak out and say we can t allow all these hooards of new immigrants to come who are so different from us, they re going to change our country. these immigrants threaten everything they hold dear about america. so some of the nation s most prominent men got together and hatched a plan. these are men who saw themselves as the best and the brightest for sure. these are respected people. they put their money and prestige behind scientists who were studying so-called inferior races. a pseudo science called