Went on the floor that day, the first thing i did was go over to bird. I said bob byrd i will never know the rules of the senate like you do. Ill make you a deal. I will never surprise you, if you will not surprise me. He said let me think about it. He came back later that afternoon and said ok. And we never did. I think that tradition has carried on. I think dole adopted that point of view. The system, and the rules of the senate are such, that theres plenty of room for disagreement and controversy. To do so within the framework of organization without sneaking up on your adversary. Some of the interview with former Senate Majority leader howard baker airing at 8 00 eastern 5 00 pacific. News from the pentagon planning more cuts for benefits for troops and the 2016 budget to be submitted to the white house in february. Military pay and benefits cost 185 billion in 2011. That decreased by 8 billion. That was mostly due to the reduction in active duty and reserve troops. You can read mo
Whether its recycled poly or innovative fibers that are out there right now there are many , solutions and many more coming. When you look at bangladesh and what happened in april of 2013 of course, 1,133 pool lost their people lost their lives in a single day because of the working conditions in the fashion industry lack thereof, should say. But one of the encouraging days of consumer motivation is that this year on april 24th, 2014, 58 countries around the world came together to start fashion revolution day, that is honoring these victims. And ill end by saying that this isnt a sign of whats to come in terms of consumer engagement. Fashion as it was is not sustainable. We have to create a new fashion industry, and engage people to collaborate all over the world to shift the paradigm. And these are all kinds of websites where you can buy sustainable legal fashion. Ecofashion. Theres more being born constantly and together we can create a new reality in fashion. So thats mine. [applaus
Their writings, statements, and votes evidence that the majority of them embrace these great principles for the basis for a civilized nation. As might be expected ped godgecal tests americas providential history written in 1989 has its list of seven principles of liberty in the conclusion. The list is not original but rather is taken from a widely cited and circulated work by slater teaching and learning americans christian history. If we try to sum up the principles that appear across all of these different texts and distill them into a common core conservative christians generally agree that the principles, the true meanings lessons and motivators of the founding era were high level of protestant devotion and strong protestant institution gods covenant with the american people, the powerful flowering of an undefined liberty. This can be personal or economic liberty. And the faithfulness of the founding fatsers. Because they motivated the economiccal event of the American Revolution t
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen and we are honored to have you at aei. Im delighted to welcome you to this event in partnership with the yg network and National Affairs. We want to talk to you today about policy solutions in bringing back the middle class and solving problems of poverty we have seen now for 50 years. Today is the 50th anniversary of president Lyndon Johnsons Great Society speech that was the beginning of an experiment that basically remade the way our government interacts with its citizens, particularly citizens who are economically vulnerable. President johnson painted a picture of the Great Society with the following words the Great Society is a place where every child can find knowledge to enrich his mind and to its a his talents. Place where leisure is a welcome chance to build and reflect and not a feared cause of boredom and restlessness. Its a place where the city of man serves not only the needs of the body and the demands of commerce but the desire for beau
In the implant mentation implementation of that to this day. First, at of the gift as evolutionary as you think. We still try to believe we are protecting the National Security. We still know the events that occurred on september 11, 2001, could happen again. And of course, that was written in the close aftermath of that. But it was also carefully crafted and vetted. It has been reauthorized with some changes over that time will stop over that time. But nonetheless, the majority of the provisions in that are valid and important. And theres still some is agreement about some of the provisions, but not most of the provisions in that legislation. Our trouble here, and i will let Jim Sensenbrenner address this because he can do so better than i can, but our trouble here is be carefully considered what section 215 should be used for. They used it for purposes different than what i believe congress intended, and certainly the vote here today reflects that. If that same question were asked ba