what is about as enforcing the laws that are on the books and what we have heard tonight from paul ryan and we will hear more about returning people because i think that is the biggest concern, right, the children like yourself that wereeir fami. the thing, though, the implication of the language that we have been using and how we talk about people. right? have to say, by the way, let s talk about enforcing the laws. when are we going to talk about the american employers who actually benefit and exploit undocumented workers in this country? i m in california, closer 2 million undocumented people. are we going to talk about the u.s. employers, the american employers, and how they benefit from us? how about texas? 1.8 million undocumented were born and a state of texas. the construction industry would not survive in texas. martha: there are two sides let me ask you. laura, let me ask you to weigh in on this. you hear what jose is saying, in terms of the people who are her
that our public school system is not working for many of our kids, particularly those living in poverty. i think it s utterly unacceptable and the fact we don t pay attention to it, the fact we treat america s children like they re someone else s children i think is something that this generation is going to have to pay for in the future. every kid in this country should have had access to a great public school. i support parents choices among high quality public schools and charter schools, and i think plays a critical role in education. but the goal for me has never been school choice. for its own end. the goal is high quality public schools where every kid and every neighborhood can receive a great education. for a kid from a low-income fami family, there may be a philosophical, but there s no practical difference between being forced to attend a terrible school and being given a chance to choose among five terrible schools.
i remembi remember my fami they re out there somewhere. r i have to find them. r p a litt a littlh r i have to find them. r p a litt a litt llot or lot p lot ofloe r p a litt a litt llot or lot p lot ofl r according to the box office. i did see finding dory. dory was found, i hope i didn t ruin it for you. animation broke out with zootopia. kung foo pan dah three and the secret life of pets. even the young wi jungle bo many them by storm. it was amazing. it brought me to tears. but hold tight. superhero flicks sold tickets like wild. captain america and bat man versus superman were unstoppable. my advise to batman and superman were oh, hello. best twist on the theme?
beaten trump if he could have run again. i m confident that if i if i had one again and articulated it, i think i could have mobilized a majority of the american people to rally behind it. trump, who is in florida, has stayed away from cameras and twitter most of the day. felt compelled tonight, president obama said that he thinks he would have won against isis, obamacare, et cetera. president obama in the same wide-ranging exit interview with cnn also said he won t be staying quiet. athena jones is outfront from honolulu where president obama is va cacationing with his fami. athena, this somewhat strange war of words is not showing signs of dying down right now. reporter: hi, kate. it s not surprising to see president-elect trump weighing in here.
so fresh from the farm. delicious. perfect. only one egg with more great nutrition. like 4 times more vitamin d and 10 times more vitamin e. and 25% less saturated fat. only one egg good enough for my family. because why have ordinary when you can have the best. eggland s best. the only egg that gives you so much more: better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. right now on andrea mitchell reports, trump s isis strategy. go after the terrorists fami families. we re fighting a politically correct war. we see that happening with the terrorists, you have to take out their families. war zone, critics plan the pentagon announcement of more special combat forces in iraq and syria. the brass is pushing back.