Rebbe Yisrael Alter, the Beis Yisroel of Gur, zy’a, was fond of repeating a m’aseh about his great-grandfather, Reb Yitzchok Meir, the Chidushei haRi’m: One day, a self-described non-believing maskil, rebellious and arrogant, came before the Chidushei haRi’m. This man gloated that although he had done many aveiros, indulging all of his wants and desires, […]
Rabbi Avrohom Drizin, known as ‘Avrohom Mayorer’ (named after his Russian hometown), was a dedicated chasid of all three Lubavitcher Rebbes in the 20th Century. A one-man chesed institution, in Russia he was the Rosh Yeshivah of Lubavitcher Yeshivah of Nevel, in Israel he helped build Kfar Chabad, and in Crown Heights he was appointed […]