The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules and pass the bill, h. R. 5322, the ensuring diversity in Community Banking act, as amended. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk h. R. 5322, a bill to establish or modify requirements relating to Minority Depository Institutions, Community Development Financial Institutions, and impact banks and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from california, mr. Sherman, and the gentleman from sk, mr. Timmons, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from california, mr. Sherman. Mr. Sherman mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days within which to revise and extend their remarks on this legislation, and to insert extraneous material thereon. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Sherman i yi
Megan kate nelson is a writer and historian living in lincoln, massachusetts. She has written about civil war us western history and American Culture for the New York Times the Washington Post Smithsonian Magazine preservation magazine and civil war monitor nelson earned her va in history and literature from the Harvard University from Harvard University and her phd in american studies from the university of iowa, and she has taught at Texas Tech University cal state fullerton harvard and brown nelson is the author of saving yellowstone three cornered war ruin nation and Trembling Earth and were so excited to have her with us today. So before i turn it over to her just a quick note we have sent out an email to everyone this morning that had just a great list of resources like a bibliography that megan had put together so you all should have received that by now. If not that link is posted in the chat. So that please join me in welcoming megan kate nelson. Hi everyone. Thank you so much
Lincoln, massachusetts. She has written about civil war us western history and American Culture for the New York Times the Washington Post Smithsonian Magazine preservation magazine and civil war monitor nelson earned her va in history and literature from the Harvard University from Harvard University and her phd in american studies from the university of iowa, and she has taught at Texas Tech University cal state fullerton harvard and brown nelson is the author of saving yellowstone three cornered war ruin nation and Trembling Earth and were so excited to have her with us today. So before i turn it over to her just a quick note we have sent out an email to everyone this morning that had just a great list of resources like a bibliography that megan had put together so you all should have received that by now. If not that link is posted in the chat. So that please join me in welcoming megan kate nelson. Hi everyone. Thank you so much. Thank you nicole for that lovely introduction and to
Megan kate nelson is a writer and historian living in lincoln, massachusetts. She has written about civil war us western history and American Culture for the New York Times the Washington Post Smithsonian Magazine preservation magazine and civil war monitor nelson earned her va in history and literature from the Harvard University from Harvard University and her phd in american studies from the university of iowa, and she has taught at Texas Tech University cal state fullerton harvard and brown nelson is the author of saving yellowstone three cornered war ruin nation and Trembling Earth and were so excited to have her with us today. So before i turn it over to her just a quick note we have sent out an email to everyone this morning that had just a great list of resources like a bibliography that megan had put together so you all should have received that by now. If not that link is posted in the chat. So that please join me in welcoming megan kate nelson. Hi everyone. Thank you so much
Writer and historian living in lincoln, massachusetts. She has written about civil war us western history and American Culture for the New York Times the Washington Post Smithsonian Magazine preservation magazine and civil war monitor nelson earned her va in history and literature from the Harvard University from Harvard University and her phd in american studies from the university of iowa, and she has taught at Texas Tech University cal state fullerton harvard and brown nelson is the author of saving yellowstone three cornered war ruin nation and Trembling Earth and were so excited to have her with us today. So before i turn it over to her just a quick note we have sent out an email to everyone this morning that had just a great list of resources like a bibliography that megan had put together so you all should have received that by now. If not that link is posted in the chat. So that please join me in welcoming megan kate nelson. Hi everyone. Thank you so much. Thank you nicole for