6 Fun Things To Do This Weekend
Tubing Days
Yellowstone Alliance Adventures s tubing hill will be open on Sunday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Come on out to camp to have some winter fun with friends or family! Kids 5 & under are Free and tickets are $10 per person. Details here.
Savage Ancient Seas at Museum of the Rockies
Museum of the Rockies has started the year off with a brand new exhibit that creates an ancient underwater environment. Visitors will be able to see the vicious sea monsters of the Cretaceous Period and over 50 prehistoric marine skeletons. The exhibit is available for viewing during regular museum hours. More details here.
Cool Stuff Going on This Week in the Bozeman Area
Wow. Solving parking issues. The Indigo Girls. Whiskey tastings. Live music. Home brewing. And TUBING! Here s what we ve got.
Tuesday, Feb. 2nd: Live Music at Nordic Brew Works with Taylor Burlage - Live music from 6pm to 8pm. (730 Boardwalk Ave, Bozeman). You can make a reservation for this event to ensure your spot by calling (406)-414-0730.
Tuesday, Feb. 2nd: Indigo Girls Live StrIndigo eam Online Event - This is a FREE event to watch. It starts at 5:30pm Mountain Time. This will be broadcast on the Indigo Girls Facebook or YouTube channel.