this is a southern version of a mafia story. enough evil had been done by the family. it s gone too far this time. i have an alex murdaugh on the line. hampton is a small raul community, very few stop lights, country folk. generations and generations of families, the same families. not a whole lot going on, you know. not a whole lot of jobs. a lot of poverty. people like me, we work for our money. we wasn t born with a silver spoon in our mouth. nobody ever had any reason to leave that part of south carolina, and nobody had any reason to come to that part of south carolina. small towns generate big fish in small pools. hampton is pretty much historically dominated by one family, the murdaughs. murdaugh, that name means power. they are a great american family who has a successful law firm and had deep roots in their community. money. position. power. the murdaughs have had control of hampton county for close to a century. they have held the position of t
then for some reason, paul and connor decided they wanted to make a pit stop at a bar on the way in. i definitely knew that wasn t a good idea. at first, like, we didn t want to go, but paul was, like, a little drunk and he wanted to go and his girlfriend, morgan, they kind of, like, got into it, fighting about it and, you know, he just was very persistent about going up to luther s and getting a shot. he s, like, very persistent. whenever he wants to do something, he s gonna do it. i i tried to stop that from happening, but there wasn t much i can say. paul was like the puppet master. people listened to him because of who his dad was. people were afraid of him because who his dad was. wasn t anything too good that i ve heard about him that people would say. they would say paul was very arrogant, entitled, always got his way.
and begged to let me drive. paul was driving the boat and the fact that paul was responsible for the fact that mallory was missing. why you [ bleep ] smiling like it s [ bleep ] funny! my [ bleep ] girlfriend s gone! do you think it s [ bleep ] funny? hope you rot in [ bleep ] he ain t going to get in no [ bleep ] trouble. he had seen the past where paul got out of trouble cause of who he was. yeah. and paul knew that, so he s just grinning, smiling, walking away. equal know alex murdaugh? oh, yeah, i know the name. that s his son. good luck. that s why new dove bh now has 24-hour renewing micro moisture for continuous care. new dove body wash. change is beautiful.
you said you noticed that paul was getting kind of drunk? you know, he was just kind of, like, swaying a little bit. couldn t tell that he was, like, drunk before, but then he, like, started, like, yelling at morgan and, like, i knew, because he does that when he s drunk. he just was just being rude to everybody. when we left the dock, things were starting to catch up. late, cold, foggy. i mean, everybody had been drinking, wanting some more. paul was drunk too drunk to be driving the boat. paul was drunk and paul was much worse when he had alcohol in him. then timmy shows up. paul had an alter ego name for him of timmy.
to, like, sailboats that were parked and doing donuts and morgan was, like, saying how she was done with him. and then he just started calling, like, a [ bleep ] and then was, like, you re such a [ bleep ] and all this kind of stuff. i saw the bridge coming. at the last second, like, i, like, screamed. i remember the commotion. scream and a bang. we hit the pylons on one side of the bridge. and when i came to i was on the other side of the bridge. um miley came running down there to me and asked me where my mallory was. mallory was just, like, nowhere to be seen. like, it was just like she disappeared. then paul came out and he was just in his underwear. and he tried to help morgan.