“Do you remember when … ?” “I haven’t seen him since …” “Who was it that … ?” “Oh, did you hear what happened to … ?” The Class of 1974 spent last week rewinding through their years at Texas A&M recounting stories they’ve told a thousand times like reruns of their favorite TV.
“Hump it, Ags!” For the newbies unbeknownst to the phrase, you may think it’s some kind of weird, unwanted sexual innuendo. It’s not, I promise let me explain. When the clock strikes midnight the night before football game days, Aggie students, parents and guests come together at Kyle Field for the most infamous and.
Miller High Life is now in a hot sauce. That s right, the champagne of beers is an ingredient in the new Dive Bar Hot Sauce created in partnership with Chef Sam Davis-Allonce, the brains behind the Hot N Saucy brand of sauces.
Fans can purchase access passes at generac.com/powerup that include Summerfest admission and access to the front row pit area of the Generac Power Stage for a specific show. Proceeds benefit Veterans Community Project in Milwaukee.