than ever. but it s not the wholele story. and because it s not, we re taking the next hour to show you the other side. yes, this country has problems . we wouldn t have veryng i interesting tv show if it didn t. but the truth is that thisitnt countrry alsy also has an awfulo going for it more than any other country in the world. more th great people, deep nl beauty and a culture wide love s. animals, which matter so even where there. is tremendous suffering, all of ithat shines through. that s the gift.s laurie simmons is the perfect example of this.ues dogs she rescues dogs across the country, including those have been abandoned at t the southern border. bor back inke to henovember when we got down to eagle pass down at the rio grand last week and saw hunder and hundreds of starving and abandoned dogs left to fend for themselves from legalgal im immigrants that cross the border. the borders. on bus then they geest on buses and jut leave them behind. these dogs can t sur
,it started to make me feel i like i should tell the truth. when people ask me, how do you get through tough times? how do you tell stories like,iei you know, disasters? because, you know, ikef you see me a news anchor, something bad is probably happening. if i m on scene. g if i so m as a cub reporter on throuh now at the network, i pray i always have. we know unthinkable tmi, too much stuff about some ofw about our colleagues through yearsin e and years of being in the business. why can t i shareth the foundational way that i gets through things? what can i tell people that i love the lord? and by the way, why can t we be bold with our faith? s. thu can t cancel us . this is the time of the year and everybody knows or just gotten through christmas. entering this new year. satan is skippint througis new h the tulips right now. the satanic temple of illinois just a few days ago put its, you know, its display. well, the city let it right next to the menorah, the christmas tree, the cr