carefully plotted to basically wreak havocea on our system and inflict true and real pain on our passengers. i it is it is of the utmost importance that we do not forget that these people do have whatever it is they have between i their ears. but they re using that thing and they re using it to inflict real harmhe and cause real terru on our system.raor and that s how creates for many years v we ve been worriede 20 years we ve been worried about a subwayy attack. now they sort of immediately dismissed concerns of terrorisml ,which a lot of people thought was a little odd. i m not an expert in this. the shee but i kept thinkingr about the sheer panic of the passengers with the smokear in the compartment, the shots going offtm and just no way to get out until the next stop. this was terrifying w. yes, subways, there are lawwa enforcement versusys bonder nightmare.e. we saw that in europe after 9/11. we ve seennwe different events in new york city and it is it