1500 years ago, this is coming from the since last year. the since last year. i think we have not had a high-quality the since last year. i think we have not had a high-quality sentence i the since last year. i think we have | not had a high-quality sentence and not had a high quality sentence and some not had a high quality sentence and some years not had a high quality sentence and some years but i think that pins at the records some years but i think that pins at the records but this is essentially a story that the latest census with that data a story that the latest census with that data shows that about 40% of the population now identifies as being the population now identifies as being christians, that is less than 50% so being christians, that is less than 50% so a being christians, that is less than 50% so a minority for the first time it 50% so a minority for the first time it is 50% so a minority for the first time. it is not anything particularly surprisin