Suburban shopping centres with expansive asphalt car parks should be explored as sites for new multi-storey housing complexes, a South Australian peak body says.
As the road toll soars and pedestrian deaths nearly double in a year, Margaret Brown argues that road projects and priorities leave pedestrians and their safety a dangerously long way behind drivers.
The state government should commit to extending the tram network to North Adelaide and Prospect by the time the old Women’s and Children’s Hospital site is redeveloped, Adelaide City Council says.
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SA a priority for Infrastructure Australia
Infrastructure Australia has released its latest Priority List with the largest number of new proposals for South Australia in the List’s five-year history.
The six initiatives are rated as either High Priority or Priority reflecting the Marshall Liberal Government’s hard work to plan a pipeline of projects and grow confidence within the construction industry in the state.
South Australia has two High Priority Initiatives – Adelaide’s Outer Ring Route capacity and South Australian Road Network maintenance.
There are also four initiatives identified as Priority Initiatives by Infrastructure Australia: Adelaide level crossings congestion and safety; Barossa Valley Region water supply; Northern South Australia productive water security and South Australia High Productivity Vehicle network access.