An increasingly familiar storyline unfolded again this year in Africa, coupled with a stunning admission of regret from the continent’s biggest colonizer. Here are moments captured in unforgettable images.
An increasingly familiar storyline unfolded again this year in Africa, coupled with a stunning admission of regret from the continent’s biggest colonizer. Here are moments captured in unforgettable images.
There s much that happened in 2023 best left behind come the new year. Barbie mania was fun, but let s move on. Extreme weather took over in wicked, deadly, painful ways. The A-list hit the streets without pants, replacing them with sheer pantyhose, or nothing at all. Other celebs revealed fake marriages. Rather, marriages that were presumably good at some point but went sour years before the world found out. What else is on the Over It list? The Stanley Cup craze, of the staying hydrated variety. Also, the spread of guilt tipping and all things fake led by the rise of AI. On to 2024!
Associated Press photographers documented violence and vibrance throughout Latin America in 2023, creating vivid portraits of ability to keep moving forward despite suffering.