The environments meeting room is closed. However, commissioners and Department Staff will be participating in the meeting remotely. This precaution is taken pursuant of the statewide stay at home order and all proceeding and preceding orders, declarations and directives. Commissioners will attend the meeting during videoconference or by telephone if the meeting fails and participate into the meeting to the same extent as if they were physically present. Public comment will be available on each item. We are streaming the number at the top of the screen. Each speaker will be allowed three minutes to speak. Comments are opportunities or opportunities to speak are available by calling 4156550001 and entering access code 146047 0765. One connected, darla start three to be added to the cue. Best practices dial star three to be added to the cue. Speak slowly and clearly and turn down any other devices. Alternatively you may submit Public Comment by email to the Commission Affairs officer thro
Chairman johnson good morning. This hearing will come to order. I want to first welcome and thank our witnesses, the honorable christopher wray, the director of the federal bureau of investigation, bell honorable christopher miller, director of the National Counterterrorism center, and honorable kenneth cuccinelli, senior official performing the duties of deputy secretary. This is an annual threat hearing. When i look at all the threats that this committee has considered and all the threats facing this nation, i think it is pretty interesting how many hearings we have held on so many of these things. Before i proceed, i guess i would ask for consent to have my written Opening Statement to be entered into the record. When you consider these threats, for example, i will just go down the list cyberattacks, ransomware, intellectual property theft, something we are concerned right now as we try to develop vaccines. But the hundreds of billions of dollars of Economic Loss due to intellectual
And id like to first introduce our panelists including myself. Doctor Michael Pillsbury is one of the foremost china experts in the world. Hes currently a senior fellow and director of the chinese strategy at the hudson institution. Hes a distinguished defense and policy advisor, former highranking governorofficial and author of numerous books and reports on china. I can tell you definitively that mike has really changed the us militarys thinking back some number of years ago he was sent to china to collect Chinese Military writings and he was the First American official who revealed that what the chinese were telling themselves militarily behind the scenes was quite different than what they were saying in public about how they wanted to be friends with the world and it really had a tremendous impact on understanding the militaries view of the peoples republic ofchina. His book is a landmark book. His most recent mark is focused hundred year map marathon, chinas hundred year strategy t
We are holding this hearing virtually in compliance with the regulations for Remote Committee proceedings pursuant to House Resolution 965. This is the third virtual subCommittee Hearing and the ways and Means Committee. As with our previous hearings i want members to know that i plan to continue this committees long tradition of collegiality and substantial debate, substantive debate, even as we conduct our business from afar. I will continue to work with the Ranking Member, mr. Smith, and his staff to ensure that the rights of all members are resected in these new virtual formats. Before i turn to todays important topic i want to remind members of a few procedural to help you navigate this new platform. First, consistent with regulations the committee willfi keep microphones needed to limit background noise. Members are responsible for on meeting themselves when they seek recognition or when recognized for a fiveminute statement. Second, members and witnesses must have their cameras
Vice chair ahsha safai. Our clerk is miss erica major. Miss major, do you have any announcements . Clerk yes. In accordance with Governor Newsom executive order declaring a state of emergency starting the covid19 outbreak and mayor london n. Breeds proclamation declaring a local emergency issued on february 25, 2020, including the guidance for gatherings issued by the San Francisco department of Public Health center, members of t officer, aggressive directives were issued to reduce the spread of covid19. On march 17, 2020, the board of supervisors authorized their bhoord and Committee Meetings to convene remotely and will allow remote Public Comment via teleconference. Watch the sfgovtv website at www. Sfgovtv. Org to stream the live meeting or to watch meetings on demand. Members of the public are encouraged to participate remotely via detailed instructions on participating via teleconference. Members of the public may participate by phone or may submit their comments by email to eric