welcomed in the united states senate. he s since added mr. mcconnell changed his tune that whatever the voters want, we ll respect it. and all of this coming at a time when the president of the united states who has been very strong in his support for roy moore, even though he backed his challenger during the republican primary that moore won, said that he would be campaigning or be in pensacola, florida tonight, not far from the alabama border but has tweeted his full support for roy moore saying that he would be a clear alternative to nancy pelosi, chuck schumer s doug jones. we have a lot of moving parts here. we ll take a quick break here and try to re-marshall our forces here. just to let you know, new drama in the roy moore campaign where something that was accepted as a given, this infamous year book
won t continue to demand that bills be brought out without a 60-vote rule. once that is removed, we can get bills up and passed with a 50 plus one. so again, the establishment doesn t want this to happen. they want it to be same old same old. business as usual. roy moore is not going to washington to do business as usual. he s going up there to shake things up. tuesday, december 12, the voters of alabama will give them that opportunity to go to washington, be the next united states senator from alabama. thanks very much. neil: all right. there you go. the campaign responding to these latest developments from beverly nelson in which she admitted that she wrote part of the year book inscription that was originally tributed to judge roy moore. what is still not clear, what part was roy moore s and what part was hers, adding to that
that she did not take back her original charge. it said that she took advantage of he took advantage of her when she was 16 years old. that was not addressed here, nor was that addressed in her interview with abc at the time. what is coming up though is the campaign saying that if that key issue and that fact has changed, the entire issue has changed. and not just marginally so. so this comes again, at a time when the campaign itself is getting ready for the big tuesday vote here. depending on the poll, it s either very tight or judge moore has moved up to a slight lead. an added drama here is the fact that the campaign itself, the moore campaign, seems to think that this isn t just democrats pushing this. this might be coming as well from mitch mcconnell, the republican leader who is not of course a fan of roy moore. he s said he wouldn t be
neil: all right. we are still monitoring developments in montgomery, alabama where roy moore s campaign is going to respond presumably to this accuser admitting that she wrote part of the year book inscription that was up to now attributed to judge moore. so when they get to the podium, we ll get to them. meantime, former u.s. navy fighter pilot, lea gabriel on these developments. they re going back and forth on this issue that few people talk about. you want this to be an opportunity for women to get this behind them, move on. but i raise the issue of my daughter and her work force where it could be counter productive to male bosses.
we ve seen in anger and it across the globe. before we get to that, i do want to go right to roy moore s campaign team responding against the latest developments. the accuser admitting part of a year book writing attributed to him. we re here to bear the truth today. few weeks back, we had phillip, an attorney that represents the campaign, made some comments about this accusation from gloria allred s client. phillip? thank you, sir. we do appreciate you being here today to help get the truth out. threes week ago when we had a press statement, you may remember we talked about some things. one of the things i said then is that any time you have accusations, you have someone making the accusations. when it s true, it s horrible