A driver attached to a private firm, depositing money in ATMs fled with the vehicle containing Rs 37 lakhs. The incident occurred on Thursday in Rajendranagar when the money depositing company staff came to Canara Bank ATM to refill the cash dispensing machine. According to Rajendranagar police, Writer Safeguard firm has been refilling the Canara bank ATMs in the city. The
Enforcement Directorate (ED) arrested MBS Jewellers, Musaddilal Gems & Jewels Director Sukesh Gupta, said a statement from the agency on Thursday. Jewellery stocks worth more than Rs 149 crore have been seized by the agency after it raided Hyderabad-based two gems and jewels groups as part of a money laundering probe linked to alleged cheating with MMTC, a public sector
Hyderabad cybercrime police on Wednesday arrested 10 persons including two chinese nationals for their involvement in Rs 900 crore investment fraud. The cybercrime police conducted raids on a few call centres operated from Delhi and other places, and managed to break the network of the fake investment companies that have been duping investors through mobile applications. The