is studying forestry he d like to become a forest warden in a national park his attitude towards working on roofs is more relaxed because he s not forced to do it. for each other side in my own good time whether it s doing this all go into forestry i just want to be able to feed my family and money and buy clothes as long as i have money coming in it doesn t really matter what i do. i think. the choli g. s big day has arrived the bride market is held on a sunday in late summer the tension of family are leaving to pick up maria their niece. then they all set off for buch of a monastery in the run up the mountains fifty kilometers away.
not forced to do it. from each other side in my own good time whether it s to do this all go into forestry i just want to be able to feed my family and money and buy clothes as well as i have money coming in it doesn t really matter what i do. i don t like the choli g. s big day has arrived the bride market is held on a sunday in late summer that tension of family are leaving to pick up maria their niece. then they all set off for buch of a monastery in the rut of p. mountains fifty kilometers away. the annual bride fair is held on a parking area at the foot of the monastery an iconic site for the bulgarian
contrast to what we hear from the president on a day to day basis when he refers to the russia involvement as a hoax. i think there are a couple of things to take note of here, wolf. you hit on one. the gap between the president and what he says including what he said about the strategy today and how policy is executed in the u.s. government has never been broader in my view. for example, the president talks very aggressively about north korea and the state department rex tillerson got sideways with the president a short while ago when he was talking about face-to-face talks with the north koreans. the president has talked very tough about iran, but it s not clear the state department and others are opposed to having some continuation of a nuclear deal with iran. so the air gap between what the president says publicly and what documents like this say that are developed by his staff is pretty fundamental. one quick comment, i think peter bergen is dead-on. this is back to the buch. i
after president putin met with assad, it shows that russia takes the initiative, keeps the initiative. when it comes to syria. now what the man that president described correctly as a buch r butcher, at the same time, it seems that the trump administration is ready to accept him as the long-term leader of syria, at the time when russia is putting all of its backing behind assad, even blocking any independent investigation of chemical weapons use. so, what is this conversation about, you know, commitment to the political process? and constitutional reform in syria? at first glance, it seems maybe all three can agree, but what do you really believe? well, it s certainly possible to have a discussion about constitutional reform in syria. i think what makes it
who has massacred tens of thousands of his own people. assad and putin presumably discussed the future of syria with assad, despite rebel efforts still in control of his war-ravaged region. president trump talking to president putin after which he had once called a bucher. and who killed more than 80 people. it s very disappointing to see. it s disappointing no matter who does it. when you get into the gases, especially that form, it s vicious and violent. and everybody in this room saw it all too many times over the last three or four days, young children dying. babies dying. fathers holding children in their arms that were dead. dead children. there can t be a worse sight, and it shouldn t about allowed. that s a butcher. that s a butcher. that s a butcher, he says, to