An unidentified individual created a fraudulent Instagram account impersonating the young Sitara, misleading her followers with deceptive trade and investment links.
According to the latest directive received from the Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), the students undergoing training under Students Cadet Programme will also be taught “e-suraksha” curriculum to make them aware of online crimes.
RAPID CITY, S.D. – On average, school age children spend between five to eight hours online a day and that time can leave them exposed to a number of threats
Trai: Minister of state for communications Devusinh Chauhan told Rajya Sabha that 2.8 lakh mobile connections were disconnected for being involved in cyber-crime/financial frauds as reported by law enforcement agencies on National Cyber Crime reporting portal. Also, around 1.3 connections were blocked for involvement in cybercrime/financial frauds.