Once upon a time they were boot-licking middlemen, but over a period of time, they have become so rich, that on an average an ARHTIYA earns close to over Rs. 75 – Rs. 90 crores per year. That’s $10-$15 million per year.
Total number of ARHTIYAs in PUNJAB – Over 30,000
Just do the MATH – Rs 25,000.00/- crores per Year / USD $3.5 Billion per year
Calculate that for the last 10 years = Rs. 2,50,000.00/- crores – USD $35 Billion. (WOW, what a whopping amount)
Business Model for the ARHTIYAs
1. As a commission agent they earn an average of 18% commission on all trades
2. This allows them to control everything, the buying price to the selling price.