MUMBAI: Actor Rohit Purohit, who plays the character of Gaurav in Inspire Films Yash and Mamta Patnaik’s Gauna- Ek Pratha on Shemaroo, loves being part of the show. |
Shemaroo Umang has been creating some fantastic shows that have grabbed the viewers' attention and it looks like they have some more exciting things coming up. |
Shemaroo Umang has been creating some fantastic shows that have grabbed the viewers' attention and it looks like they have some more exciting things coming up. |
Yogendra Kumaria plays the role of Mahindra in Gauna: Ek Pratha on Shemaroo. The show is produced by Yash Patnaik and Mamta Patnaik’s Inspire Films. The show touches upon an important subject and beautifully depicts how such things impact humanity. The actor talks about his journey on the show.