The fest began with lighting of the ceremonial lamp by chief guest Pratiksha Nayyar, commonly known as Malwi Bhabhi, VSOM managing director Dr Naveen Yograj and director Dr SM Anas Iqbal, special guests and judges Dr Manish Soni, Dr Vinita Verma and Rohit Pandey.
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The mining and metallurgy branch of engineering finds its haven at IIT Dhanbad. Having the tag IIT attached to it makes this institute even more prestigious. Campus placements in such institutes make headlines every year.
This year, despite the coronavirus pandemic and the consequent lockdown, IIT ISM recorded the highest placement package in three years. Contrary to physical placements and interviews which were held every year, this year, the placements were held virtually.
As per a report by the Career Development Center of IIT ISM, almost 188 students have been recruited by various national and international companies.
The placement process is not a one day job. It began on Monday at 12 am, and per the latest report from the Career Development Center of IIT ISM, Yash Kumar Soni was offered the highest Package.