brought to you by cialis message out, and they see kaepernick as the way to do that. how many games did colin kaepernick win last season in the nfl? how many? are you asking me? yeah. seriously. i m happy to have that discussion. colin kaepernick made 16 touchdowns, had four picks, left the nfl in yards per carry playing for probably the worst team in the national football league. let s be clear. colin kaepernick is not playing in the nfl right now because colin kaepernick lost a whole lot more at the end of his career than he won. i do not believe that it s because of his protest. if colin kaepernick would have won more games, he would be on an nfl team right now. now, the second point about the protest, this is my whole thing. how many of the guys that were kneeling last night were involved in the off-season in any type of protest at the local or state level? how many of the guys kneeling went out there and mentored