Hikaru Iwamoto: In the stage production 'SHONENTACHI 2023: Through The Darkness,' (Click here to see Review: SHONENTACHI 2023: THROUGH THE DARKNESS) which opened on October 4th with the lead role played by the members of Bishonen, Hikaru took on the sole responsibility for the stage's composition, direction, and choreography for his first time. He also appeared in the previous stage productions of the 'SHONENTACHI' series and its 2019 film adaptation. 'SHONENTACHI' has been evolving and continuing to the present day since its first performance in 1969. Hikaru, who debuted in 2020 as the leader of Snow Man, is active in various fields, including music, stage performances, variety shows, YouTube, films, and magazines. Some of his notable works cover the musical 'Catch Me If You Can' (2022), the film 'My Boyfriend in Orange' (2002), and 'Osomatsu-san' (2022). Additionally, he and his fellow group members appear on th
ディズニー・オン・クラシック:ディズニー・アニメーションや映画、テーマパークの音楽を、ニューヨークで活躍するヴォーカリストとオーケストラの生演奏で贈る音楽会。今年のテーマは「With You ~愛を奏でる」。アニメーション映画『美女と野獣』を8年ぶりにフィーチャーし、「美女と野獣」をはじめ、「ひとりぼっちの晩餐会」、「強いぞガストン」、「愛の芽生え」など、美しい娘ベルと醜い姿の野獣の間に芽生えた“真実の愛”の物語を、スクリーンの映像と照明演出と共に届ける。第1部のディズニー創立100周年を祝う特別プログラムとの二部構成。