characterized certainly john brennan and i can imagine he doll the same for others as he revokes them as partisans. biased against him. today belying the president s claim, a former director of the cia who supported the president and released his own letter. our understanding is he signed on to the other and not contacted in time. i will quote from the letter he wrote on his own. he said that objective criteria should be used in evaluating who gets to keep a security clearance. does this belie the assertion that this is all about partisanship against him as opposed to the facts? look. i think the president has said this is about two things. one is to try to silence critics. you can see from the list of people that they are looking at to reare voek their clearances, it includes mike hayden. mike hayden has nothing to do with the russia investigation, but the former director of the
publicly. they are just afraid to say it publicly. they know that this president they have to watch him like a 10-year-old child so that the country will be secure. they are afraid to say that publicly, jim, because again, they want to get reelect and he s got most of the base. is that a breech of their responsibility? yes. yes. if they believe he is generally dangerous. yes. jim, look. it s terribly disappointing. they hated when he called omarosa a dog privately. they won t say that publicly. they don t like the way he s revoked john brennan s security clearances. they don t think it s appropriate. they know it s endangering national security, but they won t say it publicly. they can t stand the way he goes after robert mueller. look, when i was in congress, i swore to defend and uphold this
happy today to answer questions about john brennan s stripping of his security clearance. everybody talking about it. if this is about distracting, is this something worse than that? is it the kind of strong man tactics, silencing your critics, that trump wants to do more of? that s the basis of the next debate we re having. hawaii is in the middle of the pacific ocean. we re the most isolated population on the planet. hawaii is the first state in the u.s. to have 100% renewable energy goal. we re a very small electric utility. but, if we don t make this move we re going to have changes in our environment, and have a negative impact to hawaii s economy. verizon provided us a solution
the president said this morning that he has received a tremendous response for suspending brennan s clearance as we have been talking about. you have the 75 former cia directors and senior officials who rebuked the president s action. you are in touch with many supporters of the president and many republicans. do you sense them sticking to him on this issue or like yourself, do you find folks quietly perhaps saying this is too far? look, i realize, jim, a while ago that i don t believe a word that comes out of his mouth. when he said what he said this morning, i don t pay attention to it. i am finding that more and more republicans feel that same way. i will be really direct. most of my former republican colleagues in the house privately say exactly what i say
revoking john brennan s security clearance and eagerness to go further. other revocation letters are ready to go and there has been discussion in the white house of dolling them out as distractions during unfavorable news cycles. we will discuss that with our next guest as well as this. the lack of push back from republican lawmakers. senator bob corker weighed in against it, but he is retiring and so is house speaker paul ryan. this is what he said when asked about it last month when the president was threatening to do what he has now done. i think he is trolling people honestly. this is something that is in the perview of the executive branch. some people lost their clearances and some people keep them. it s not in our perview.