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News / Rebuilding an agricultural rural economy: NIFA awards grant to UNM-Taos’ new workforce, training program
Rebuilding an agricultural rural economy: NIFA awards grant to UNM-Taos’ new workforce, training program May 20, 2021
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) research initiative recently awarded UNM-Taos’ new training program a $500,000 Agricultural Workforce Training grant.
UNM-Taos and UNM-Taos Hive (Hub of Internet-Based Vocations and Education) are partnering with Not Forgotten Outreach, Inc. (NFO) and the Taos County Economic Development Corporation (TCEDC) to create the Rebuilding an Agricultural Rural Economy (RARE) workforce training certificate program, which will support the local food and small-scale farming economy in Taos.