the death of john major fully the government says he suffered heart failure. and the fight for covert 19 vaccines the u.k. says it rollout will slow in the coming weeks and once the e.u. not to block exports. it would sports and take images from the states of emergency months before the olympics but the games creative director in charge of the opening and closing ceremonies has resigned over derogatory comments he made about a female entertainer. we re going to begin this news hour with a meeting that s likely to set the tone in relations between the world s 2 largest economies in a few hours top diplomats from the u.s. and china will meet in alaska it s going to be their 1st face to face discussions since the by the administration to call for us in january and it took comes just after the u.s. sanctioned an additional $24.00 chinese and hong kong officials for what it says is beijing s continuing crackdown on political freedoms in the territory. a lot of white house correspo
gets worse pushing more people into poverty. sports as take care emerges from its state of emergency for months before the olympics but the games creative director is in charge of the opening and closing ceremonies has resigned and the drug trade comments he made about a female entertainer. welcome to the program britain is warning its vaccine rollout will be slower than hoped in the coming weeks the health secretary says it s still on track but deliveries have been slowed because of supply chain problems with the astra zeneca job 1700000 doses of another backseat have also been delayed as they need to be retested when the government has previously expressed disappointment after the european union threatened to limit exports of coburg 1000 vaccines to the u.k. there is of course a need for all countries to respect contract law that is the basis of international trade and i m sure that the european union will live up to the commitments and statements that it is made including
hello and welcome to rewind here at their house museum of islamic well the 1st story as we have it was the 1000000 man government s brutal crackdown on peacefully protesting monks news reaching the outside world was guest spots al-jazeera correspondent tony bettany was able to film the unfolding events whilst working undercover as one of the few international journalists on the ground at that time from 2007 here s his news special inside myanmar the crackdown. it started as a protest over a few subsidies it became a popular uprising against the generals and their policy of oppression. throughout me and my hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets calling for freedom and democracy such gatherings hadn t been seen here for nearly 20 years. the focal point was the former capital gang gone at one stage 100000 people demonstrated here and the leaders with the monks men of peace. they became the rallying point for a nation. worship and followed by my name is tony burton a
but says reports it can cause blood clots and need more study. tanzania is set to swear in its 1st female president after the death of john. the government says he suffered heart failure. i m. telling you can you imagine from a stage of imagine say a full months before the m.p. games and italian. have all of 1st team activities suspended after a coronavirus outbreak of the club. then we re going to begin this news hour with a meeting that s likely to set the tone in relations between the world s 2 largest economies top diplomats from the u.s. and china are going to meet in alaska be the 1st face to face discussions since the by the ministration too cautious in january and it comes just after the u.s. sanctioned an additional $24.00 chinese and hong kong officials for what it says is beijing s continuing crackdown on political freedoms in the territory diplomatic editor james bays is joining us now live from and courage in alaska james it s notable 1st of all that this meeting
a suspect that its rollout over safety concerns a meeting in moscow puts russia back at the center over afghanistan speace process and a nation in mourning tanzania grieves over the death of president john mchugh fully but others say he is left at the vi that latest. america s top diplomat says china s actions are threatening the international order effectively putting global stability at risk secretary of state antony blinken is holding talks with chinese officials in alaska as the 2 superpowers try to repair relations that are at their lowest point in decades it s the 1st high level meeting between the u.s. and china under president joe biden s administration lincoln says they will discuss a range of security and human rights issues including hong kong taiwan and the crackdown on we go or muslims in xinjiang. part ministration is committed to leading with diplomacy to advance the interests the united states and to straighten the rules based international order. that system