After more than a decade heading up the United Way’s efforts in northwest Colorado, Executive Director Kate Nowak announced she will be retiring this September, taking with her many fond memories and stories of success..
The United Way of the Yampa Valley’s Women United group will be offering a free budgeting course in Craig this spring. The course will span three evening classes, running from 6-7:30 p.m. April 24, May.
The Colorado Crane Conservation Coalition is hosting its 2024 First Crane Sighting Contest in the lead-up to Greater Sandhill Crane Week, March 1-8. Be the first to spot a Sandhill Crane in the Yampa Valley.
Long established as a proving ground and showcase for emerging artists in bluegrass, the WinterWonderGrass music festival will host new talent this year from an inspired demographic that is rapidly rising within the genre. The.
The Yampa River Fund has approximately $210,000 available to award to successful applicants in 2024. Grant applications will be accepted from Feb. 19 through Apr. 1. Eligible applicants include state and local government entities, public.