Pamplin Media Group February 03 2021
The Newberg Graphic s readers have a lot to say about the Yamhelas Westsider Trail this week.
Yamhelas Westsider Trail would be a boon to the county
To the editor:
We are Newberg residents and greatly hopeful for the Yamhelas Westsider Trail. We have three young children and enjoy biking and walking as a way to get out and about. With the current COVID rules in place, having places to do so is now more important than ever.
There are few areas in the local vicinity for longer walking/biking adventures (beyond city parks). We visit Champoeg often, but variety adds greatly to life. And that s it. In the local area, Champoeg is our longer biking option, short of having our 3-year-old ride down the highway. I am hoping I am simply ignorant of others, but outside of Champoeg we must travel. It would be great to have another trail, for family biking, in the local area and within a short drive.
Letters to the editor: Jan. 29, 2021
Celebration of hate
While walking my dog in McMinnville one morning last week, I passed a house with a “Trump 2020” banner on the garage. Below the “Trump 2020” was the statement, “F your feelings” a hateful sentiment.
Then, in Friday’s News Register, I read the letter from Leonard Leis decrying Democratic hatred of Trump. Pointing a finger at Democrats as haters ignores the facts.
On Jan. 6, I watched Trump incite a homicidal insurrection by his followers on live TV. In the crowd, visible symbols of hate were prominent, including Confederate flags, banners like the one I encountered, and T-shirts proclaiming “Camp Auschwitz” and “6MWE” (“6 Million Wasn’t Enough,” a reference to the Holocaust).