A Japanese shrine is breaking its 1,250-year-old tradition by allowing women to partake in its famed "naked man" festival rituals. A welcome change: For the first time in the history of the Hadaka Matsuri festival, the Konomiya Shrine in Inazawa, Aichi prefecture, will welcome women to participate in some of the age-old rituals taking place at the event on Feb. 22. Organized under the group "縁友会" (Enyuukai), approximately 40 women will engage in the naoizasa ritual, a unique ceremony involving wearing traditional robes, carrying bamboo grass bundles with written wishes and dashing into the shrine grounds for offerings.
Critics are unconvinced that another dating app will reverse Japan’s declining population. Instead, they suggest more be done to address fundamental reasons why people avoid getting married and having children.
A majority of Japanese women are dissatisfied with the amount of domestic work their husbands put in, with more than 15 percent reporting that their partners don't do any