Guest he did. He wrote a moment moyer called my several lives. The only problem was, he was great man it and was a dull bach because he was a button down yankee and didnt reveal too many secrets. I. My graph had an extraordinary career because he served the country in three wars essentially, two hot and one cold. He helped make the first weapon of mass destruction poison gas, for the chemical war service during world war 1. He then became president of harvard, and was a leading educatear, but then because of his wartime experience, and because he was a brilliant chemist by training, he ended up being recruited by roosevelt to be a scientific general of world war ii and was in charge, again, of all chemical weapons, but that included a new weapon, the bomb, and he ended up overseeing the Manhattan Project laboratory at los alamos where they built the first atomic bomb. And then he became one of the key architects of our Cold War Nuclear policy. He advised roosevelt during the war and th