police have now arrested a student in connection with those threats. that uniform band has now been extended to friday. and the university of missouri student body president posted on facebook saying students take precaution. the k-k-k has been confirmed to be cited on campus. campus police knocked that claim doumpb and the student body later retracted he has stachlt. at yale, the daily news reports the signs with racist messages have now been found on campus. all lives malter. talking about black violence and race. now, remember, the debate at yale fwan when the dean who told students to avoid halloween
police have now arrested a student in connection with those threats. that uniform band has now been extended to friday. and the university of missouri student body president posted on facebook saying students take precaution. the k-k-k has been confirmed to be cited on campus. campus police knocked that claim doumpb and the student body later retracted he has stachlt. at yale, the daily news reports the signs with racist messages have now been found on campus. all lives malter. talking about black violence and race. now, remember, the debate at yale fwan when the dean who told