Ballots Due Tuesday in Special Yakima County Election
Even though the pandemic has shut down schools in Washington State school districts still need your help in many ways including your tax dollars. If you are a property owner and you live in the Bickleton, East Valley, Granger and Selah School Districts you have a ballot that s awaiting your signature and a ballot that s due in the Yakima County Auditors Office on Tuesday, February 9.
Ballots were sent out last week for a special election on February 9 in which school districts are hoping you ll vote in favor of replacement and capital levies. Auditor Charles Ross says his office sent out 26, 481 ballots for voters in the Bickleton, East Valley, Granger, Selah and Wahluke School Districts. Ross says he expects a 35% turnout for the election. So far about 30% of ballots have been returned to the office.
Ballots Being Sent to County Voters for February Election
The Yakima County Auditors Office is preparing for a special election on February 9 in which school districts are seeking replacement and capital levies. Auditor Charles Ross says they re sending out 26, 481 ballots for voters in the Bickleton, East Valley, Granger, Selah and Wahluke School Districts. Ross says he expects a 35% turnout for the election. Each year school districts in the valley ask voters to help fund operations through levies. This year is no different. Even though many schools are in lock down because of the pandemic operations continue at the schools and some students are in classrooms. More schools are expected to gradually open in the coming months if COVID-19 numbers level out. Regardless districts say voters support is vital to teaching students in the future.