and regularly those accounts by hostile actors. every single yahoo account, 500 million yahoo accounts, he was indicted and somea aberdeen, classified information about a yahoo server. in july 2009, hillary to and, the subject was important not for circulation, confidential, like hillary clinton to homes in a aberdeen back to her yahoo account, what was it like when you were trying to get this story and finally get it printed? this is a big game changer.
the australian ambassador flagged papadopoulos. based on our reporting, it was not a single source of intelligence that prompted the russia case, jon. jon: the president tweeted to you about huma abedin s e-mails? yes. huma abedin sent security passwords for sensitive government networks to her unsecured yahoo account. in a tweet earlier today, president trump loaded on abedin saying she ignored basic security, suggesting she should be jailed and criticized what he called the deep state justice department imploring officials to finally act against abedin and the former fbi director, james comey and others. last hour at the briefing, the white house s press secretary explained further. obviously the facts of that case are very disturbing. i think the president wants to make clear that he doesn t feel that anyone should be above the law. in her april 2016 fbi
heather: hillary clinton s top 8 accused of blatantly disregarding basic security overhauls. huma aberdeen for classified passwords in the hands of foreign agents. new detailed unfolding at this hour. what if any action taken about the clinton emails, huma aberdeen, top senior raid to secretary of state hillary clinton, forwarded classified emails to her personal yahoo account. the daily caller reports those emails included her passwords to her government account. during interviews with the fbi
jailed. criticizes what he calls the deep state justice department. former s the white house press secretary explained. the facts are very disturbing and i think the president wants to make clear that he doesn t feel that anyone should be above the law. april 2016 fbi interview overseen by peter strzok sent anti-trump text messages. abedin admitted she forwarded government emails to her yahoo account for printing. the emails found on anthony weiner s computer are significant because they lead the fbi to reopen the criminal investigation ten days before the election. bret: is there more fallout over this new york times story that the trump campaign aide, george papadopoulos, start of the fbi-russia probe by talking to the australians? australian media reports there s anger and frustration over leaks by u.s. officials
boost high protein. be up for it. save seven dollars. look in sunday s paper. kimberly: on friday the state department dumped another batch of emails related to the clinton investigation. huma abedin s account, some emails were classified found on her husbands laptop. hillary s top aide reportedly forwarded state department passwords to her personal yahoo account. president trump suggests she should be locked up and called out his justice department and a tweet. crooked hillary clinton s top aid, huma abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols. she put classified passwords into the hands of foreign agents. remember sailors pictures on submarine? jail! deep state justice dept must finally act? also on comey and others.