Kõige parem iluhooldusvahend, mida vaid vähesed tunnevad, on riisivesi. Laiemalt kasutatakse riisivett Aasias juuksehoolduseks, sest riisivesi paneb juuksed kiiremini kasvama.
The Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX) saw record revenues over the first half of this year, driven by momentum created by the Hong Kong-mainland stock link programs and the recent trend of mainland companies seeking IPOs in Hong Kong, with observers stating the result reconfirms the strength and appeal of Hong Kong as a key global financial hub.
Ekonom Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Nugroho Suryo Bintoro mengatakan bahwa salah satu dampak perpanjangan PPKM tersebut antara lain adalah adanya Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK), khususnya dari pelaku usaha kecil.