Another Open Letter to the Minister of Agriculture Mr. Minister, It appears that you are being lobbied by various individuals with an eye of promoting toxins and fossil additives into agriculture with seemingly no concern to the well being of our population. The writer quotes, ‘This has been best put by Bombastus Paracelsus (1493 -1541), […]
An open letter to the Minister of Agriculture Mr. Minister, You have recently, on several occasions, indicated your desire to lift the highly ill- conceived ban on glyphosate, and you should please do this immediately to help the farmers to cut down on their crop production costs. Use of glyphosate for tea has been allowed […]
I read The Island editorial of 09 Sept., and feel comforted that we still have some intrepid journalists who can call a spade a spade without fear. Cheers! The response of a reader which appeared in our issue under the caption, “Fleecing the hungry.” was spot on.Your editorial today (12), Vultures at work, made me […]