Adam KlasfeldApr 16th, 2021, 11:07 am
The National Rifle Association’s former chief financial officer and treasurer previously told a bankruptcy court that he tried to reform an organization under the thrall of its CEO
Wayne LaPierre, who allegedly instilled an institutional culture of subordinates justifying a disregard for internal control with the words “Wayne said.”
On Friday, that ex-CFO,
Craig Spray, questioned whether the NRA would fold entirely without its current leader.
“Isn’t it fair to say that the NRA could survive without LaPierre at the helm?” Assistant New York Attorney General
Yael Fuchs asked Spray.
“I think it would be very challenging,” Spray replied.
Charity experts: Do your homework before you donate
By: Stephanie Stone, Scripps National Correspondent
Posted at 6:31 PM, Dec 14, 2020
and last updated 2020-12-15 12:15:52-05
This holiday season, a word of caution from charity experts. If you re able to donate, make sure you do your homework, and make a plan for your money so that it supports a worthy cause.
Court documents from September detail a four-state investigation that shut down a sham charity, which, according to investigators, bilked consumers out of millions.
They claimed to use donations to help homeless veterans, breast cancer survivors, and disabled law enforcement. But the real people in need got next to nothing.